Teachers and Home School Educators
Teacher Assistance Form
Educators with a Montgomery City Public Library card can complete a Teacher Assistance Form to request materials for their class such as Book Bundles, STEAM Kits, etc. This is a free service, but please give at least a two-week notice for the staff to gather the needed items.
Guest Reader
Our librarians would be happy to be guest readers or lead a story time lesson for your class or group. This can be done at your school or at the library. Call 573-564-8022 or complete a teacher assistance form.
Teacher Library Card
Montgomery County R2 District teachers and Immaculate Conception teachers are able to sign up for a free Teacher Card to check out books, kits, games, and DVDs during the school year. The card is good from August 1-May 31. Stop by the library to fill out the necessary information and to receive your card.
Library Tours
Library tours are available for your class or groups. Please call 573-564-8022 to schedule.
STEAM Kits are available to check out. They are kits that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math skills. The kits are grouped from PreK-3rd Grade and 4th Grade and Up.
Education and Teacher Online Resources
Check out the variety of online resources available to educators, teachers, and homeschooling families.
Missouri Homeschool Laws
Missouri homeschooling information from the Home School Legal Defense Association.
Families for Home Education
Families for Home Education has been serving Missouri home educators since 1983. They provide a variety of information, resources, and support for homeschooling families.
Missouri Homeschoolers Facebook Page
Information and discussions concerning homeschooling in Missouri.