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Montgomery City Public Library


Programs and Homework Help for Children

Story Time Adventures for babies- preschool- 10:00 a.m. Mondays (September-May)- Each Monday we learn early literacy skills through reading, rhyming, singing, talking, and playing.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten (see librarian for more information)- This self-paced program tracks how many books your child reads (or is read).  You get a record sheet and mark every book that is read, even if it is multiple times.  If you read the same book 10 times, mark it down 10 times on the record sheet.  Turn in the completed sheet and your child receives a sticker and a new record sheet.  Once 500 books are completed, your child will receive a bracelet.  Your child will receive their own book once they reach the 1,000th book read.

Robotics- 1st Saturday of the month

  • 9:15-10:00 a.m. Discovery (ages 2-6)
  • 10:15-11:15 a.m. Sphero (ages 7-10)
  • 11:30-12:45 p.m. EV3 (ages 11-14)

Legos- 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00-11:00 (all ages)- Come build LEGO creations based on themes, books, or free choice.  It's fun for all ages!

STEAM to Go kits- Kits focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.  One kit per family must be checked out by an adult.

Check out the Juvenile Series Book located in the Juvenile Fiction Section of the Library to find more books in a series.

A Library Card Number is Required to Access Outside the Library

Teaching Books Button
A website that generates enthusiasm for books and reading in our community. Find book trailers, movies with authors, audio performances, discussion questions, and more — all great ways to engage with books together!

Explora Elementary Button
This interface is designed specifically for elementary school students according to their needs and search abilities and includes reading level indicators to simplify discovery of grade-appropriate content.

LearningExpress Library Button
Online practice tests for elementary school students in reading, writing and mathematics to help build basic skills. Registration by the user is required for the software to record progress. 

Freely Available Online

Bloom Library Button
Free, downloadable books in 488 languages. Search by language, topic, or special interests such as STEM Books. Find talking books, comics, and books with activities.

CK-12 Button
Free educational resources for students, parents, and teachers with customizable educational content for different student learning styles and levels. CK-12 offers concept-based information with adaptive practice and interactives to help students learn their way.

Khan Academy Button
Online instructional videos and practice exercises cover topics at grade levels K-14, including test preparation for SAT, LSAT, and more. Resources are now in more than 36 different languages, including Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

World Factbook Button
Information about the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

Search for Library Materials

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Missouri Libraries 2 Go Button

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Newest Resources!

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Niche Academy link

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VetNow Button

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Teen Health and Wellness Button

Resource Spotlight

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Are you a crafter?  Would you like to learn a new hobby or improve your crafting skills?   

Then Creativebug is the place for you!

You can stream thousands of online art and craft classes for free.  

Click on the link, log in with your library card, and begin!  It's that easy!