Food & Clothing Services
Bellflower Historical Preservation Resale Shop 573-564-3051
First Baptist Church Crisis Closet 573-564-2112
Christ's Closet at Wellsville United Methodist Presbyterian Church 573-684-2330
Clothes Closet at Montgomery Christian Church 573-564-3218
Open Arm Ministry (Seniors) 573-564-2747
Senior Center Meals on Wheels 573-564-3224
Reach Church Feed MoCo & Farmers to Families Boxes 636-544-4559
Sharing Shack at Montgomery Christian Church 573-564-3218
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 573-835-3631
Touch of Hope (Care kits) 636-283-8699
US Government Immediate Food Assistance 877-842-6273
Wellsville Food Pantry 785-883-2296
WIC (Montgomery County Health Department) 573-564-2495
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