Technology Grant Awarded to MCPL
MCPL receives 2024-2025 Tech Ladder Grant
The Montgomery City Public Library is proud to announce the award of a $14,791.00 Technology Ladder Grant award this spring to update library technology. This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State. MCPL purchased a new Microsoft Surface Studio 2+ desktop computer to go along with the one we have. Having two Surface Studio computers will help those wanting to learn how to use Adobe Creative Cloud features. Two new AWE Learning Stations were purchased for the Children’s Department. One is an Early Literacy Learning Station that will replace the middle computer at the Children’s Computer Center. The new After School Edge Learning Station will be placed with the current one at a new desk area in the Juvenile Section. We want to thank Brandkamp Cabinets for donating the desk. Grant funds also went to purchase a Makey Makey Classroom Invention Literacy Kit with two additional booster kits for the older robotics class. Dr. Erik Schettig, a North Carolina State University professor, will virtually teach the Makey Makey classes. Robotic classes will begin in September. We want to thank Carole Harness and Brian Sippel for leading the robotics classes at MCPL.